Pimples, bumps, warts, oh my! How to tell the difference


Have you ever looked down in the middle of peeing in complete horror, screaming WTF IS THAT SHIT, running to google images, and calling your gyno ridden with panic? Ladies, I know I’m not the only one! Let’s break down the difference between all the things that can stick to your vagina so you can stop freaking out over what’s probably a razor bump.

A simple pimple

Well ladies, it looks like your average pimple. Just like the ones that graze the face, these are typically the result of the presence of bacteria from sweat or an infection of a hair follicle aka, folliculitis.  Ever see your hair growing back in a curled fashion? When the infected, curled hair makes contact with the skin, it causes irritation and hence, pimples.  To pop or not to pop? Although it’s tempting, it’s best to let it pop on its own and to make sure the area is clean and dry. To speed up the process a little, place a warm compress directly on the pimple a couple times a day.

Rough razor bumps

The direct result of shaving and ingrown hairs. Normally, these are flatter than pimples and have more of a red/purple tinge to them. Don’t freak out if you see a cluster of them, that’s totally normal! You can tell it’s not a pimple because it is not nearly as uncomfortable and will not have a head. These tend to stick real good and for far too long but one of the best, cheap solutions to this problem is good ol’ Tend Skin.

Please God, not a Genital wart!

These are tiny, skin colored, and the shape may resemble a cauliflower. The only two STI’s that cause genital warts are herpes and specific strains of HPV. Although the virus can’t be removed from the body, warts can be treated with medication, frozen off, or surgically removed.

Unfortunately, all these inconveniences look quite similar but here’s hoping that this helps you spot the difference!


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