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So what is the STD that 3 million Americans get every year? Human Papillomavirus is the most common STD that most 20 somethings have. You were probably vaccinated as a teenager but that does not mean you have 100% immunity.

How is it spread?

According to the CDC, HPV can be spread from person to person through really any type of sex. If you thought you were safe with oral sex think again!

What are the symptoms?

Unless ya got warts, there are typically no symptoms.

Does it ever fuck off?

In most cases, HPV goes away on its own but it really depends on what kind of strand you have, as there are several. Some strands may leave you with warts on your genitals but don’t get it twisted it’s not the same as herpes. Worst case scenario, it can cause cervical cancer or cancers of the vagina, vulva, penis, anus or even the throat but these conditions seem to be super rare.

How do I get tested?

Of course, men are the carriers of this disease but it is impossible for them to know they have it. So ladies, it’s up to you to be super diligent about getting your pap smear every year. If your pap comes back positive for abnormal cells/HPV, talk to your gyno about treatments. While there is no cure, procedures like cryotherapy can freeze off the abnormal cells, therefore making the virus go undetected.

Are there any natural treatments?

Shrooms! Jk, not shrooms but mushroom supplements are great for boosting immunity. Just like any other ailment, eating a diet full of fruits, vegetables and herbs can help heal your body. Also, an over the counter supplement, Papillex can also help to clear the virus.

Stay safe out there!


FTPT (fuck the pink tax)


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